Chapter 4

"Hotaro? My name is Rei."

"Oh, nice to meet you."

"Thank you."

"Do you know of a little girl that has been reborn by the name of Hotaru?"


I saw a shy young teenage girl. She was being controlled by Misstess 9 and used the attack Death Reborn Revolution only to be reborn as a baby, a fact which was really hard for Chibiusa to bare... Hotaru was her best friend.

"Hotaro, you in there?"

"Huh?!? What!? Yes... I think I'm the second princess of the planet Saturn and I'm a Saiyan."

"My name is Amy, are you a sailor senshi?"


"I'm Usagi and, if you say you're a senshi, then show us. Moon Crystal Power! I'm Sailor Moon. Show us your transformation."

"I dont really have a transformation ability. My powers are physical, the symbol just appears on my head as I say it."

"Maybe I can help with that."

"A talking cat? WOW!"

"My name is Luna."

"And I'm Artemis." another cat said.

"Here is your broach. You are Sailor Saturn. Say 'Saturn Planet Power!'"

"Saturn Planet Power!"

The transformation was complete. I had make-up on and my eyes were a lighter shade of purple. I had on dark purple boots and my outfit was purple as well. I was holding a glaive weapon. As I turned around I saw that Vegeta had been watching me the whole time. Oh no, what's he going to do now? He better not tell anyone! I thought. I suddenly changed my appearance back to normal and acted like it had never happened.

He came over to me but I just began to walk off like I had never seen him. He grabbed my hand and took me to a distance. When we got there he stared at me like I was a model. Then he asked, "What just happened? What was that transformation?"

"I'm a senshi. Please don't tell anyone, ok?"



"Would you marry me?"

"Yes...Vegeta, I wouldn't have it any other way."

So the next day we got married. I wore a beautiful wedding dress and after it was all over we went home to our new house. I thought about how I would like to know where the other senshi live. Vegeta soon locked himself in the training room.

Jeez! I thought as I left him and went outside to say "Saturn Planet Power!" and, with the glave in my hand, I flew away.

"Now I know why Queen Serenity did not want me in the anime world. I miss my friends and family in the other mom, who was nice to me... Sara, my best friend, and probably the only one I'll ever have. I would really love to know what my real mother's name was, tho."

I flew into town and the scouts were fighting some evil. I stepped in and said "Hey! Who are you and why do you threaten our peaceful Earth?! In the name of dark Saturn, I will destroy you!"

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