Chapter 11

I was really scared of what Vegeta might do to me and Usagi because he wasn't a very happy person to begin with. "WOMAN!!!"

"Sorry, Vegeta. J-just wanted to know where you were."

"The lights would not work. I was in the middle of training before you pressed the button to the chamber which turned the whole thing off and made me fall on my face."

"Can you please tell me why the lights aren't working?" He didn't say anything. "How long were you in here?"

"Unil 5:00. WHY?"

"Just asking."

"Anything else to say before I can get back to my training?"

"Oh. Usagi is staying the night. Ok? And tommorrow I need to talk with you about something. Now you can get back to your training." Usagi and I rushed back into the house nervously.

Months later I had a little girl. Vegeta and I were very happy. Soon after I started on a special training schedule of my own.

"No, Princess Hotaro. Stay here with Queen Serenity while mommy and daddy go to the dinner and get something to bring back so that we can all eat here."
"No mommy, don't go. Dont leave me alone! Please!"

"HUH?!?! They left me alone..."

Suddenly I fell asleep to a strange dream. It was that of a child running for its life from a large creature. Inu Yasha and Kagome were dead. Hotaro!

"Huh? Who's there?"

Hotaro. Go back to the world you came from or I will kill you and your sister.

I jerked and suddenly awoke. It was all just a dream. I went in Hotaru's room and she was fast asleep. I was relieved and I went to sleep. As I did, my dream continued...

Hotaro! Get out of this world or suffer a painful death!

"Who are you to tell me what to do!?"

Get out or I will kill your daughter and your husband as well.

"Who are you?!"

My name is Nehalanla of Dark Saturn.

"Dark Saturn? But that's my name!"

I awoke to see Vegeta sitting up staring at me. "Good mornning, Vegeta." I went and checked on my daughter, she was sleeping like an angel. "That dream I had last night was really strange..."

I held the time key in my hand. I resolved to talk to Sailor Pluto. "Can I go back to Inu Yasha's world?"


"I just want to spend a little more time with them, that's all."

"Alright, Hotaru."

I entered the time portal to the world. When I got there I looked around I had the feeling that someone was in great danger. It was then that I saw Kagome and Inu Yasha laying on the ground just like they were in my dream. I knew exactly who had done it. "Kagome?? They can't be dead... Hotaru would never forgive me." I started to run past Kagome and Inu Yasha. Up ahead I saw Sango trying to stand up. "Sango!? What happened here?!"

"Someone n-named Dark Queen Saturn came and destroyed everything. Inu Yasha and Kagome... are they...?"

"I don't know. I have a feeling that the Dark Queen Saturn was my mother in this century."

"I thought your mother was Setsuna."

"She is, but I also have another mother. You see, Setsuna was my mother in the Silver Millennium a thousand years ago. Sango, lay still... Saturn Healing Power!" Sango was healed in no time. "Come on, let's go to Inu Yasha and Kagome."

"No, wait! What about Miroku?"

"Who's he?"

"Come with me."

We went to find Miroku. "He's Miroku?"

"Yes. Please help him."

"Saturn Healing Power!" Miroku stood up and we ran to Kagome and Inu Yasha. "Saturn Healing Power!"

"Ok now, guys... I have to go back to my world."

"What? You can't just leave us here!" said Kagome.

"Look, when I come back I'll bring Vegeta, the Z-fighters, and the Sailor Scouts." I then called to Sailor Pluto and she teleported me back to my world.

I quickly ran everywhere looking for Vegeta. He wasn't at the house and I felt a bad presence nearby. As I ran outside the sky turned red like blood. I flew into the city and found Vegeta, he was fighting with a person from the Black Moon family. As soon as he saw me he told me to stay out of it.

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