Dejiko, Criminal or Not?
written by: Kitty


It was a hot summer day in Akihabara and Dejiko was racing back to Gamers from making an important delivery for Gamers.

Dejiko: Nyo! Why make me do the delivery nyo? Why not Usada or Puchiko? No nyo. Puchiko is too small nyo.... Usada should go. She never does anything nyo! Or maybe Gema! That yellow blob never makes deliveries nyo! All he does is float around and annoy me.

Just then, Dejiko passed by some finger people and two of them happened to be finger cops (made up name for the finger people who are cops.)

Finger Cop 1: Dejiko-Chan! Wait up!

Dejiko: [stopped running] Nyo?

Finger Cop 2: [catching up to Dejiko] Dejiko, what do you have in that bag you are holding?

Dejiko: [looking down at the bag she was holding. She received it as a gift from the stranger she delivered the Gamers goods to. She was told not to open it until she has reached Gamers.] Nyo? I don’t know.

Finger Cop 1: [demanding Dejiko] Open it.

Dejiko: No nyo.

Finger Cop 2: Dejiko- Chan, where did you come from?

Dejiko: From someone’s house nyo.

Finger Cop 2: Is it passed the bank?

Dejiko: Yes nyo.

Finger Cop 1: Just as I suspected.

Dejiko: Nyo?

Finger Cop 2: [talking to Finger Cop 1] Wait. Let me ask Dejiko-Chan something first. [Talking to Dejiko] Dejiko-Chan, was the house left or right of the bank?

Dejiko: It was left of it nyo. Now what’s with all these questions nyo?

Finger Cop 1: Dejiko- Chan, I am sorry to say this but.... You are under arrest.

Dejiko: Nyo!

Finger Cop 2: You are under arrest for stealing from the Akihabara bank.

Dejiko: Nyo?!

Finger Cop 1: Now come with us to the Akihabara jail house.

Dejiko: Get away nyo! I don’t want to go to jail! Dejiko did nothing bad nyo!

Finger Cop 1: Yes I know you don’t want to go to jail. But that’s the rule. No matter whom you are Dejiko-Chan. Come with us.

Finger Cop 2: It’s not that bad Dejiko-Chan.

Dejiko: Nyo! Dejiko will not go with you.

Finger Cop 1: Come quietly now.

Dejiko: Me-Kara-Beam!

Dejiko blasted the two finger cops with her eye beams. There, on the floor lay the two finger cops. All fried form both heat and Dejiko’s eye beam.

Finger Cop1: [yelling back at Dejiko] You can’t hide from the truth Dejiko-Chan!

Dejiko: Dejiko did not steal Nyo!

Dejiko made her escape and ran back to gamers as fast as she could.

At Gamers.....

Usada: Dejiko? What’s the rush?

Gema: What’s the problem-Gema.

Puchiko: She's in trouble nyu.

Dejiko: Something bad nyo.

Puchiko: I told you nyu.

Usada: What did you do Dejiko?

Dejiko: I don’t know nyo.

Everyone except for Puchiko fell down with their feet up.

Usada: Then what’s the problem?

Gema: If you don’t know what’s wrong then why worry-Gema?

Dejiko: The cops are after me nyo.

Gema: What did you do-Gema?

Dejiko: I don’t know nyo...

Gema: [a small sweet bubble came to view in the back of Gema’s head] Gema? How could she do something wrong without knowing-Gema?

Puchiko: [pointing at the bag on the floor. Dejiko was holding it on her way back if you don’t remember.] What’s in the bag nyu?

Dejiko: Nyo? Oh! I forgot to look nyo!

Usada: What do you mean Dejiko?

Dejiko was too busy looking inside the bag to listen to Usada talk. But the happy face Dejiko has on her turned into a shocked one.

Gema: What’s wrong-Gema?

Dejiko: [screaming in shock] Nyo!!!!!

Puchiko: Dejiko is in trouble nyu.

Usada: [took the bag away from Dejiko] Let me see what’s in the bag Dejiko.

Dejiko: [face all gloomy] Nyo......

Usada: [in shock] Dejiko!

Gema: What is it-Gema?

Usada: Dejiko you didn’t?!

Gema: What is it-Gema?

Usada: It’s.... It’s......

Gema: Gema?

Usada: It’s gold!

Gema: Gema!

Manager: [entered from the back door] What’s all the noise here? [All the screaming worried him]

Usada: Look inside the bag Dejiko brought back.

Manager: [looked inside the bag] Dejiko!

Dejiko: [crying with tears as think and looks like waterfalls falling down from her eyes] Don’t dump me into the street nyo!

Usada: [sounding all suspitous] So? Dejiko stole gold from the Akihabara bank, huh?

Puchiko: [pointing at Dejiko. She was supposed to defend Dejiko. Not go against her] You did it nyu.

Dejiko: Nyo, No, Nyo. Nyo, No, Nyo. Dejiko don’t do bad things like that. Nyo, No, Nyo. Nyo, No, Nyo!

Manager: Dejiko, I don’t allow this behavior in my shop.

Dejiko: [running up to the manager and hugging/begging him.] No manager Nyo. Don’t dump me into the cold night without a nice warm bed, and food, water and a place to sleep nyo!

Manager: Who said anything about dumping you?

Dejiko: Nyo?

Manager: I am just making you stay here while Puchiko, Usada, Gema and I go off to have some fun.

Usada: Don’t call me Usada. My name is Rabi En Rose!

Dejiko: Nyo! Such a bad punishment nyo.

At Night.....

Dejiko: Dejiko knows that Dejiko didn’t steal form the Akihabara bank nyo. But how do I explain this nyo?

Puchiko: [sound asleep] Hoka Hoka Gohan Nyu.....

Dejiko: Nyo! I remember now nyo! That stranger gave that bag to me Nyo. But how to explain it nyo.....

Gema: [having a bad dream] Geeeeeee-ma! [flew above Dejiko’s head who just fell asleep and fell on top of her]

Dejiko: [mad] Nyo Gema! Me-Kara-Beam!

She blasted Gema to the other side of the room and fell back to sleep.

The next morning...

Dejiko and Gema were having a fight....

Dejiko: Nyo, nyo, nyo!

Gema: Gema!

Dejiko: Nyo, nyo!

Gema: Why did you use Me-Kara-Beam on me-Gema?

Dejiko: Cause you woke me up nyo!

Gema: [pounded on top of Dejiko] Gema!

Dejiko: [thrashing Gema] Nyo! Me-Kara-Beam!

Gema: Ahhhhhhh. Gema.....

Puchiko: [not even paying attention to Dejiko and Gema] Mmmm... Good bread... I want some more nyu...

Dejiko: Heh-Heh-Heh. I will win every fight we have Gema. I can take you any time any place Nyo. Heh-Heh-Heh.

Gema: Damn-Gema....

Puchiko: [talking to herself] Her anger rage is out of this world nyu...

In Gamers.....

Usada: So, Dejiko, did you collect what you are going to bring to the Akihabara jail house?

Dejiko: Yah Nyo. You.

Usada: Heh-Heh-Heh. Good luck with that. I can fly away from you. [started to fly away from Dejiko]

Dejiko: Me-Kara-Beam!

Instantly Usada fell to the floor crisped. The two Finger Cops who met Dejiko yesterday came into Gamers.

Finger Cop 1: Ok. Dejiko, we have to take you to the Akihabara jail house now.

Finger Cop 2: You may of got away last time my using Me-Kara-Beam but not this time.

Dejiko: Nyo!!

Gema: But Dejiko didn’t do it-Gema.

Usada: Yah. Even if Dejiko and I are rivals I have to defend her. Dejiko is not that bad. She would never steal something.

Finger Cop 1; I know you are worried but Dejiko-Chan must come with us now.

Dejiko: Me-Kara-Beam!

She blasted the Finger Cops and made her second escape through the backdoor with Puchiko, Gema and Usada behind her.

Outside Akihabara....

Dejiko: [showing them the way to the stranger’s house] Come follow me nyo.

Usada: Who is this stranger you delivered the goods to?

Dejiko: She did not say her name Nyo. And she was in the shadows so I couldn’t see her face.

Puchiko: So secret nyu....

Gema: I suspect the Dark Gema Gema-Gema.

Dejiko: Pyoko! That stranger sounds like Pyoko!

Usada: Pyoko does have a reason to put you in jail.

Puchiko: Puchiko wants to play with Pyoko nyu.

Gema: This is no time for fun-Gema.

Puchiko: Me-Kara-Beam! [Blasting a pile of sludge onto the sidewalk. It crawled away quickly. Puchiko really wanted to shoot eye beams out not a pile of sludge.]

Usada: Puchiko, you still need training on that Me-Kara-Beam of yours.

Dejiko: Quiet nyo! We are here.

Usada: [looking behind Dejiko in shock] Wha?!

Gema: This is the house you went to-Gema?!

Dejiko: Yes nyo.

Usada: It’s a black castle! It looks so dark, and scary... and...and... just plain gloomy.

Puchiko: Look how big the place is nyu. I can play here all day nyu.

Gema: Puchiko quiet! There is someone coming-Gema.

Voice: He-He-He. Dejiko must be in the Akihabara Jail house by now. He-he-He.

Dejiko: It’s Pyoko nyo!

Usada: What’s she doing here?

Puchiko: Can I play with her nyu?

Gema: No time for that now-Gema.

Usada: We have to find proof that Dejiko did no steal the gold and Pyoko did.

Dark Gema Gema: You won’t be finding anything-Gema.

Dejiko, Usada, Gema: [turning back] Wha?!

Dark Gema Gema: We got you surrounded-Gema.

Dejiko: I have no choice nyo. Me-Kara-Beam!

Dejiko blasted the Dark Gema Gema away but she still had one problem. Pyoko.

Pyoko: Sister pyo!

Dejiko: Nyo?

Pyoko: How nice to see you pyo! And thank you for the delivery. The CD was good pyo!

Dejiko: [mad face with steam coming out of her head and ears] Why did you give me the bag of gold nyo?!

Pyoko: [With the usual look on here face- One finger on her face with her head tilted a little to the right and with her sweet cute eyes closed and a small yet sweet smile on her face.] I wanted pay you. But had no money pyo.

Usada: Yah right.

Gema: You did this on purpose-Gema.

Pyoko: Ok then. Dark Gema Gema! Drive these people to where they belong!

Dark Gema Gema: [running towards Dejiko and the others] Gema!

Dejiko: Me-Kara-Beam!

Pyoko: Mouth Bazooka!

Usada: I got this one Dejiko! [used her bunny ears to smack the attack right back at Pyoko who immediately ducked.]

A few hours later......

At the Akihabara jail house.....

Finger Cop 1: Well, It was not Dejiko. It was Pyoko Huh?

Usada: Yes.

Finger Cop 2: Well then... Dejiko-Chan... You are safe now. Pyoko will be the one in the in the Akihabara jail house.

Dejiko: Nyo!

Gema: Gema-Gema!

Returning back to Gamers from the Akihabara Jail House with Puchiko and Gema.....

Dejiko: La, La, La, La! Dejiko nyo! Gema and Puchiko are with me right here!

Pchiko: V-nyu!

Dejiko: Dejiko don’t laze. Dejiko has been helping out Gamers all day nyo!

Puchiko: [jumping up and down] Puchiko has assistant too nyu!

Gema: Gema-Gema!

Dejiko: See! Dejiko don’t do bad things nyo!

Dejiko: Akihabara! Akihabara! Pyoko is in the Akihabara jail house nyo!


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