Chapter Four

For the next two weeks, all Bulma and Vegeta did was glance at eachother. It was like they were taking a break from liking eachother. The moments when their true half-feelings for eachother actually surfaced were always shocking and stressful, so they tended to avoid them. One night, however, when Bulma was finishing some late-night work she had to do on a machine repair job, she went into the kitchen to grab something to eat. When she opened the door, she saw Vegeta in the kitchen trying to prepare about ten turkey sandwiches all at the same time, and this time around he was trying some of the stuff in a jar that he had seen others putting on their sandwiches earlier. Unfortunately for him, he had never dealt with sandwich spreads before (in this case, mayonnaise), and had absolutely no clue as to how to apply them to the sandwich.

"Kami damn stuff...won't even come out of the jar..."

"Umm...hey Vegeta, having some trouble with that?" Bulma asked, almost laughing out loud.

"AAHHH! Oh, it's you, baka. What are you doing down here spying on me? Don't you see I'm trying to do something without interruption?" Vegeta sneered at Bulma.

"Oh, gee, who's the baka? At least I know how to get mayo out of the jar...hehehe..." Bulma accidentally giggled, but then stopped herself because of the embarrassed and angry look on Vegeta's face.

"Have you no respect? It's not like I've lived on Earth for twenty-something years! When you land on a planet, you don't automatically know how to make complicated Earth sandwiches, now do you?" Vegeta scolded.

"Sorry...umm, well maybe I can teach you how! Would you like that? ... Wait, I don't care if you would like that, I'm going to teach you anyway, Mr. Full-of-Myself!" Bulma told him, and with that, grabbed one of his hands, took out a knife, put a blob of mayo on it, and started guiding Vegeta's hand and the knife back and forth across each piece of bread.

"Hey, what is that, a miniature sword or something? And why do you use it for that purpose? How silly..." Vegeta commented when he saw the knife.

"No, it's not a miniature sword. The only thing you could impale with this thing is a slab of butter," Bulma told him.

"A slab of what?" he asked, but Bulma just sighed and kept spreading.

"Hey, whaddaya say I join you in your room afterwards?" Vegeta purred in Bulma's ear.

"Hmmm...I think I just might like that! How fast can you eat those things?" Bulma asked him.

"About three minutes," Vegeta replied, and in about three minutes, all ten sandwiches were gone. Bulma almost said that he was worse than Goku, but she thought again and came to the conclusion that that comment would really light his fuse. She held back and said instead, "Well, let's journey upwards. Stairs or elevator?"

"Neither. Let's just take the short way," Vegeta replied, and with that he grabbed Bulma and blasted up to the balcony floor with Bulma's CC living quarters. He set Bulma down and they walked in the door. The rest is history until about 9:00 AM.

At around 9:00 AM, Dr. Briefs realized that Bulma wasn't up as early as usual (in fact, about two hours off time), so he visited her living quarters. He opened the door, and did not see anyone in the main sitting room. He figured she'd be asleep, so he went into Bulma's bedroom. There, he found one of the biggest shocks of his life.


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